Sunday, July 10, 2016


Life has been a little lemony of late. So the kids made lemonade. :)

A couple months ago we passed a boy selling lemonade before a parade. David, remembering the time we sold lemonade, asked if he could do that. I told him he could, maybe he should take some of his birthday money and do it. He was game, so he got planning. This week afforded us the perfect opportunity for him to invest in his little stand. The city was having a sidewalk sale with all of the businesses, so he decided to set up shop. He and Andrea each chipped in part of their birthday money to buy supplies and then we got to work. They made 11 times their initial investment, so I'd say it paid off. They were pleased.

Day 1: ready to sell!

After a couple hours (almost three, actually) of selling we got just over half way to their goal. We learned that from about 11:30 to 1:30 everyone for lunch at one of the local restaurants and so no one was interested in lemonade. We took. It's for day 2...

Day 2:
We set up at 2:00, the time we'd closed yesterday. Within an hour and half they'd met their goal and then some, plus twice as many tips as yesterday.

They did great! David encouraged/forced Andrea to break out of her shy she'll and talk and make their pitch. By the second day she was totally comfortable and at ease. The second day they started having little bets with each other on who would get the next person to stop, or how many they could sell while the other was taking a bathroom break. It kept them pretty motivated.

David got the most compliments on his bow ties. 

The #1 question: what are you going to spend your money on? David's answer : I'm going to save it. Andrea's answer : I don't know...

Hand sanitizer was appreciated. 

We had a few customers who stopped because they'd seen people with lemonade with a little lemon garnish on the cup. They said it looked good so they'd been keeping an eye out for whomever was selling lemonade. They were surprised it was a couple of well-dressed kids.

One person complained about the price. Another person, upon tasting the lemonade, said this was a really quality product and it was a great deal.

People shopping with kids stopped for lemonade more than people without.

The kids are taking what they've learned and earned and applying it to their next lemonade stand next month. They have grander goals for next month, we will see how it goes.

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