Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Key-ping it Real

Hardest part about having J gone (I think I've mentioned this) is that I have to take all of the kids to every activity we have. Scouts is really the worst because it runs from 7:30 (Elizabeth and Peter's bedtimes) until 9:00.

Last night, the littles and I found a little hallway so that Andrea could practice her dancing, and so Peter and Elizabeth would not get in anyone's way. By 8:45, however, Liz was done. She was not going to be quiet any longer, and was running amok in the gym. I decided to take all of the littles to the car and get them buckled in, then wait the last 15 minutes for David to be finished.

We get to the car. My key fob's battery is dead, so I have to unlock the car with the key. I get the door unlocked, throw my keys onto the driver's seat, then hit the unlock button on the switch. (Unfortunately, that switch has been jammed for a while, so it usually takes some effort to get the doors unlocked.)

I then turn to pick up Elizabeth and get her into her seat. We were parked on a slant, and between the weight of the door and the wind, my door shut. When I pull on the door handle to Elizabeth's door, the door is still locked. No big, I'll just put a little more pressure on that switch again.... only MY door is locked. And my KEYS are on the front seat. And Peter has no coat, I have no coat, and it is below freezing.

Sent the kids inside, called roadside assistance, and was told it would be 75 minutes before a locksmith could get to me to unlock the door. We waited inside the church until the last second, then headed out at 9:15 to hunker down for another 45 minutes in the cold. A kind scout's mom heard what happened and invited us to wait in her car! And then the locksmith showed up at 9:30. It still took another 25 minutes to get us into the car, but we got in!

So we finally rolled up home about 10:40, and then all of the kids headed off to bed right before 11:00. I decided there that I would let the kids sleep as late as they wanted, so even though school starts at 9:00, they did not get to school until 10:20 this morning. I don't feel bad about that.

And I've been rethinking my key habits. I think I'm going to buy a lanyard to put my keys on. If I wear it around my neck my keys will still be easy to access, but I won't throw them onto the seat to empty my hands. That's a cute look, right? (Just say yes.)

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