Friday, May 31, 2019

Time flies

Mother's Day Spa with Kinder

I was late. I was so wrapped up in helping get David ready for his bake sale that I didn't keep track of the time. Poor Peter. He was really sad when I finally got to the spa. I was only 10 minutes late, but it was enough. But he forgave me after a bit and we had fun. The nail polish finally all chipped off last week.

David did really well selling his baked goods. He was such an enthusiastic entrepreneur that the director of the fair took his picture and used it as a highlight photo. Go, David! The other kids turned into selling popsicles. I didn't look at the weather forecast closely enough and the littles froze. This has been a really unusual May. Last year it was unusually hot. This year it has been unusually cold. I had to walk down the road and get socks and leggings to give them extra layers.

I had a good Mother's Day. The kids were so cute and I got lots of adorable cards, a gift card, and a fun shirt. It was a great day!

Birthday shenanigans were had this month. Andrea turned 9, David turned 12. I don't know how that happened, it just happened so fast! How do 12 years go so quickly? No clue.

There's been lots of doctor appointments, and dentist and orthodontist appointments. We've had a few really hard moments. We are making it, there's just a lot happening all at once. I am so proud of how the kids and I have soldiered on. The kids, especially, have been so incredibly great! They've stepped up and helped out when they've seen a need. There were minimal tears when I made the boys totally upend and reorganize their room (girls are next).

This week has been really calm. We haven't had nearly as much scheduled this week as we have the rest of the month. It was a reprieve, we dive back in next week with four doctor appointments, one surgery, and two Saturday activities. Typing that out I think I'm going to cut out one of the Saturday activities, lets just do one. Hahaha!

We are counting down the days to our Utah trip! We found a fish sitter, and a cat sitter. I'm working on a ride to get us to the airport and back.

More pictures of the kids:

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