Sunday, May 5, 2019


Sunday - Church and... I can't remember what else we did. Probably just church.

Monday - Scouts, errands, getting things together for David's birthday in a few weeks.

Tuesday - I went and sewed, got Elizabeth's summer shirts nearly finished.

Wednesday - Hula.

Took E to the ENT, they scooped the tube out of her ear. It had come out of place and was just resting in her ear canal, usually they just come out on their own. But she kept digging at her ear and it was bothering her. They had noted that twice it was out, but they didn't want to stick sharp grabbing instruments into the ear of a wiggly two-year-old. It was driving her crazy though, so I took her in, we turned on Moana, and she held so incredibly still the entire time. Dr was impressed, even let her pick a toy out of the toy box (we've been to SO many appointments there, I never knew they had a toy box). And she's been a much happier toddler since then. Thank goodness.

Andrea had dance that evening, David went to mutual.

Thursday - David was supposed to see the ENT, but silly me, I thought that when I made the appointment and they said they'd do the hearing test first and then we'd see the doctor, the appointment time of 8:50 was when that whole circus would start. Turns out, that was only the ENT, the audiologist was before that. So we had to reschedule. But I got Elizabeth to her speech group, and I had a better day after that. Went and did more sewing.

Friday - I helped with popcorn. Helped David make cinnamon rolls. Then we had the talent show at the church. I played a Chopin Nocturne*. Andrea and Peter performed with the Primary kids in singing "You're Welcome", and Andrea performed a reel.

Saturday - Andrea had rehearsal for her recital. Then she played with B. I'm glad she has such a great friend (funny thing, they showed up to the talent show the night before wearing the same color shirt and were highly amused that they matched without planning it). The boys and I cleaned the house, I finally got my kitchen fully scrubbed down. Peter then worked on his boats for his shop, and David did some reading of Harry Potter. We picked up Andrea, ran some errands, then I took the middles to see Endgame. My favorite moment? Andrea excitedly telling me that Captain Marvel had a pixie cut, just like her! Andrea has lately fielded some mean comments from kids at school and church about her choice of hair style, so she was happy to see a powerful GIRL superhero rocking her same 'do. She loves that haircut, and it is absolutely adorable on her. I'm glad that despite the meanness she is not deterred.

Today is Andrea's recital, we are having dinner with friends this evening, and then we are prepping for a very busy week. It will be a good one!

* Funny story about that Nocturne, and what a terrible big sister I was... We had some sort of unwritten rule between us girls that we weren't allowed to play each others music. Like, we'd get seriously upset with each other if anyone started playing the other's songs. I think it started with how mad we'd get that we'd practice so much just to have the other walk up and have no problems playing it. Well, Holly had long loved this Nocturne (we first heard it on The Secret Garden), and she was always saying that she wanted to find it and learn to play it. One day I was leafing through one of our classics books and started fiddling around with this Chopin piece, only to discover it was the beloved tune from the movie. Cue headphones and constant practice until I could play it pretty well. Then I played without the headphones and crushed poor Holly's heart because she now could not play "MY" song. *eyeroll* I was a terrible big sister, and it was a silly "rule". We play each others music all the time now. And we're good friends today, so I guess it all ended well.

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