Thursday, April 25, 2019


Okay. This was the week. I haven't needed a mommy break yet, I haven't felt overwhelmed by having the kids by myself. Until this week. Elizabeth keeps spiking these crazy fevers. She is eating, she is drinking, and she's sleeping fine. But she has been a wee beast the entire week. We are ALL super tired of her crankiness, screeching, and off-and-on crying. Just when I'd be ready to take her in to a doctor the fever would break and she'd be fine. Then we'd do it all again a day later. She can't help it, she feels super crummy, but good grief it has been a long week. I'm hoping she's gotten over this, she didn't have a fever yesterday or today, just super crabby.

Oh, and her diaper this morning. Hahahaha!

That's a fair representation of what she looked like. Hahaha! She wore a onesie to bed, and then I laid her down to change her this morning and everything just.... smooshed... everywhere. I had to pull this onesie up over her head. With everything smooshed up her back anyway... I have a picture, but I'm not sharing that... Just picture Elizabeth looking a bit like the dog...

Monday - David got more stuff finished with Scouts. The littles and I went and played at the park. Elizabeth fussed. Andrea got a splinter. Peter made a new best friend. Jonathan got dental work done.

Tuesday - We went to Kensington to check out the farm animals. I hoped, really, really hoped that it would snap Elizabeth out of her funk. No dice. But she loved the chickens! Then she spiked a fever again. That was fun. David rescued a turtle out of the road. We always enjoy doing that. It is that time of year, the turtles are crossing roads to find a place to lay their eggs.

Andrea and I made soap on Tuesday. She has two more batches to make to be ready for her sale in two weeks. Now that we are coming up on it I feel like there is a lot to do for that craft fair, but the kids are so excited!

Wednesday - I had dance, I needed the break. Elizabeth slept the entire time. We are learning a new hula, it requires a LOT of ka'o. Ka'o is a stationary step, lift alternating heels so your hips make a figure 8. My teacher says I'm overthinking it, when I don't think it looks great. But then I get tripped up adding in other steps. My brain hurt almost as much as my legs the rest of the day! Then Andrea had dance, her recital is next Sunday. She's excited about the fancy choreography, it is going to be so pretty!

Today we stayed home while Elizabeth ran amok all day.

Tomorrow we are playing it low key again. I really need Elizabeth to get totally better. David is leaving for a campout with his troop. He's so close to First Class! I think this campout will get it for him. He's got grand plans for Merit Badges with Baba this summer, he's really been looking forward to it.

Saturday the kids really want to go to the Chicken Show at the library. Elizabeth will love that.... if she's feeling better. So maybe send some good thoughts and prayers her way.

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