Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Clever titles aren't my thing

I've lost my voice. Don't know what happened, I think it is the waffling weather, but I woke up this morning and my throat hurts and it kills to talk. So it is a good thing the kids know a little bit of sign. It will be a quiet day.

Elizabeth had her MRI done yesterday. We were up at 4:30a.m. to get ready to go. I dropped the middles off with a friend so she could take them to school. Then Lizzie and I headed off to the hospital for a 6:30 check-in. Things went so smoothly, they even got us back earlier than scheduled! That's a first for us. She had to be sedated for the MRI, and the MRI took longer than they'd planned, so I'm glad they were able to get her back early. They offered to give her Versed, which really helps her be calm when they take her away, but it makes her doubly grumpy and groggy when coming out of anesthesia. The other option was to go back with them and hold her while they helped get her to sleep. I opted for that, and I'm glad I did because she wasn't nearly so scared going back, and she was back to her normal self by the early afternoon. We should have results in the next couple of days.

Conference was great this weekend. I really enjoyed a lot of the talks. 

The kids were good and listened a lot of the time. That allowed me to really listen, too. I am grateful for our leaders and the direction and peace found in their words. I can't wait to go back and study all the talks even more.

While listening to conference the kids worked on crafts for their fair. Andrea and Peter are almost fully stocked. David is doing baked goods, so that is really a last minute kind of shop. But he did work on cake postcards! Something fun to offer besides cakes and cookies.

We've gone to the park and on walks a lot the last few days. Spring has definitely sprung (just going to ignore the snow and sleet in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow), and it is getting so much warmer.  I made the summer-wardrobe list and did my audit of the closets. I'm surprised at how much we actually have, shirts from last year should fit for most of the summer (except for Peter, who somehow destroyed every single t-shirt last summer). So we are going to hit up the stores this Saturday and check off the list. Wish me luck!

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