Friday, April 19, 2019

I am Moana!

 I finished my pa'u Tuesday night. Lessons learned: 1) Start threading the waist elastics from the bottom. Starting at the top and working down makes for a handful of tightly gathered fabric that is hard to work around the further down the skirt you go. 2) Get an elastic threader. Running a safety pin through five yards of fabric is a tedious nightmare.

Dance this week was a trip, my teacher really worked us hard! We are coming up on performance season, so she was really making sure we know all the dances (I don't) and that we are prepared to perform (I'm not). I'll probably wait until next year to start going to performances. I need to learn the choreography and then get the costumes. I'll get there!

Elizabeth felt a little warm Tuesday evening. Wednesday afternoon I took her temperature.

She stayed mostly happy the entire time. She has been on a Moana kick lately, so we watched a lot of "You're Welcome" and laughed at Heihei antics a few times over every day. I don't mind having Moana stuck on repeat... right now. Fever broke yesterday, but we're still watching Moana.

And this week:

Monday - I discovered that for the last two weeks David actually hasn't done anything at scouts. He didn't know how to sign up for merit badges, and he graduated the First Year program so he's not being actively called in to follow a group. It is all up to him now. And he didn't know what to do. So rather than ASK he has just been wandering around. That was frustrating. I am always telling the kids that to get ahead in life they have to ask questions. If they don't know what's going on, find someone that does and ask for help. If they are curious about learning a new skill, find someone and ask. If they see someone successfully doing what they want to do when they grow up, talk to that person, ask them for advice (and follow it), and learn from them. So that David just didn't ask someone what to do next just... ugh. He's 11, he'll learn, he just needs reminding right now. I guided David as we went through his remaining First Class requirements and he made a list of things he needs to do. He will go to scouts next week with a plan and questions to ask and get answered.

While David was at scouts we went and got Andrea's hair cut. She really likes her pixie cut, but she has wanted to grow out the bangs. The last few times we've gone to trim things the stylist didn't quite do what she wanted and she was always unhappy. This time it was done perfectly, and it looks so cute! She was happy, so we're taking notes for next time.

Tuesday - I worked. Really I just worked on my skirt, it really needed to be done. The middles had Cub Scouts. They're done. They completed all of their requirements, we're just waiting for crossover next week.

Wednesday - Andrea had dance. They are working on recital pieces. The entire group is looking really good. They are all working so hard. I can't wait for the recital, it is one of my favorite events!

Thursday - I worked again. I completely finished the shirt I was constructing, and I am so pleased with how it turned out. I also did some finishing on Andrea's Easter outfit. I didn't get the smocking done that I wanted to do, so I gave up on doing a nice dress for Elizabeth. But when I looked for dresses in store or online I just didn't like what I saw. Out of curiosity I had her try on her dress from last year. Still fits! Perfect! So I picked apart Andrea's dress from last year and did some fiddling and managed to get something together for her very easily. The boys already have their nice suits, and they have their bow ties from last year. I think we are all set! My friend asked what hats we would wear this year. Ha! Apparently the ward looks forward to the fascinators, hahaha! I wasn't going to wear one this year, but maybe I'll dust off last year's.

Today's agenda:
- Playing with friends (no school!!)
- Boys need haircuts
- Finish Andrea's pencil skirt
- Make soap
- Watch Moana

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