Thursday, April 4, 2019

Spring Break

This week has been a nice, relaxing week. Each day we've done a bit of Spring Cleaning, and each day we've done something a little entertaining.

Tuesday I did a lot of sewing for work while the kids played in the back yard. I'm very nearly finished with a shirt I've been working on for a while. I need to cuff the other sleeve and then sew the sleeves into place. Then done! Probably one more afternoon of work and I'll be finished. I also finished the edges of my fabric for my pa'u. I've been taking hula lessons, and I needed a skirt. I also need to make a bag for my pu'ili. This class is no joke, but I enjoy it so much. I have to admit, it has really made me miss the ocean, is that weird? The Great Lakes are nice, but I miss the salt. It has been six years since I've seen an ocean, eight since I visited California. Someday I'll go back!

We did the zoo on Wednesday. We hit some fun sites we don't normally see. Like the little farm area, where we saw a yak (I had no idea they were actually so small), and lots of chickens, pigs, and a cow. Elizabeth was super excited about all of them. (Maybe I should take her to the farm center in Kensington tomorrow, I bet she'd get a kick out of that!) She also flipped out over the giraffes. During the winter the zoo has them in a giant building, and we can see them in there. So we actually get a closer look at them during the winter, and she just thought they were the coolest things ever.

Today the middles had dentist appointments. Peter chipped a tooth the other day. Rather, he chipped the cap on his front tooth. Dentist said there's no point replacing it because there's no root and the adult tooth is really ready to come through. So it should be loose any minute now. Andrea had bad news. No cavities, but the ramifications of some prior dental work are hitting her hard now. I was hoping I'd have another year to prepare to get her into braces. Not so much. So I'm working a plan.

Tomorrow has no plans. I think we are going to finalize plans for the kids' craft fair items. They are all so excited about running their little shops next month. It has been tricky keeping the kids focused and helping them to think small, haha! They just want to go all out, and I have to remind them that we can't do that, the fair only runs for two hours.

I'm really looking forward to General Conference this weekend. This is David's first time going to the Priesthood session, too. It will be a great weekend. My Conference Craft is more smocking. I don't think I'll be able to get Easter dresses finished for the girls, or ties for the boys, but I'm going to see if I can get the panel finished. If I can I just might be able to make this dress happen. If I can't? Oh well. I have really given a lot of thought to what I commit to lately. Being the only parent in the home really does just take a lot of time. Again, life is not harder, everything just takes longer. So I've started saying "No" to an awful lot that I would otherwise have liked to do. But it is okay because the littles need me a lot right now, and that's the best feeling in the world. I've found that I feel a lot better slowing down and not over-extending myself so much. Who'd've thought, right? ;)

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